AI Ethics Toolkit

Recognizing the complexity of using data science tools in a humanitarian context, DSEG has created a toolkit with a Framework, Decision Tree and Templates. We invite DSEG members and interested actors to suggest new tools we can create and add to the toolkit.

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This is a framework which aims to provide a set of ethical and practical guidelines for humanitarian data collectors, users, and stakeholders to consider when applying data science in humanitarian work. This work is at the juncture of data science (in particular AI), ethics, responsible data management, humanitarian innovation, and humanitarian principles and standards.

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Navigating humanitarian data science projects is no easy task. We have therefore tried to guide humanitarians through this process with the help of an interactive decision tree. You can use the decision tree to determine whether and how data science could work for your use case.

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Browse projects that have successfully completed the Decision Tree process. Their challenges and solutions may serve as a lesson for future project designers, helping us create a community of knowledge on best practices for ethically using data science in the humanitarian sector.

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